Members Vote Unanimously in Support of Good Governance

Friday, Dec 13, 2019

Members approve Bylaw revisions that strengthen our ability to serve the needs of our Members and clients today and in the future.

On December 12, 2019, Pacific Blue Cross Members in attendance at a Special General Meeting voted unanimously in support of revisions to the PBC Health Benefits Society Bylaws. These new Bylaws strengthen our ability to serve the needs of our Members and clients today and in the future.

The revised Bylaws amended five key components of the Bylaws, namely:

  1. Method of Voting by Members;
  2. Eligibility Requirements for Directors;
  3. Term Limits for Directors;
  4. Role of the Nominating Committee; and
  5. Competency Requirements for Directors. 

Additional explanatory materials can be found in our Good Governance Information Package.

We thank all Members who took the time to attend during what is always a very busy month.

Pacific Blue Cross abides by the Societies Act, which is the governance framework for all not-for-profit societies in British Columbia.