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How to make a claim

Insurance Basics, How to make a claim

How to make a claim

So you’ve got an expense and you’re ready to make a claim. Where do you start? Depending on the expense you have a few options.

  • Pay-Direct
  • Online Claims
  • Paper forms


Paydirect options offer the most convenience if available as part of your plan. With pay-direct, your health or dental provider can file the claim to your insurance company on your behalf, right there at the counter. Nowadays, most plans include a pay-direct option for prescription drugs. And most dentists already submit claims directly to Blue Cross. All you do is provide your policy and ID numbers at the counter and pay only for expenses not covered by your plan.

Online Claim

If your coverage doesn’t include a pay direct option, there are a number of expenses that can be claimed online, but it will depend on your insurer so visit their website to learn what expenses you can claim.

When you submit your claim online, you’ll know right away if your claim is approved and payment will be deposited into your bank account in a few days. Be sure to keep your original receipts as you may be asked to provide them for verification.

Paper forms

For expenses you can’t submit online, there’s always the paper form. You can download forms from your insurers website. These are usually pre-filled with your personal information such as name, address, policy and ID numbers.

Here are some tips to help ensure prompt payment when filling out a paper form:

  • Be sure to enter all requested information on the form
  • Include all supporting documents, original receipts, but remember to keep photocopies for your records
  • Keep your receipts loose and flat in the envelope with no staples, paperclips or tape
  • Submit only one of each official receipt. Cashier or Interac receipts are not required.
  • Most important: Don’t forget to sign the form

We suggest that you submit claims routinely to avoid missing the annual claiming deadline. You can find out your claiming deadline from your plan booklet or by visiting our website.

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