Pharmacy | FNHA Harm Reduction Hub

Monday, Nov 29, 2021

The First Nations Health Authority is providing naloxone nasal spray kits to First Nations community partners through the Harm Reduction Hub.

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) now provides access to naloxone nasal spray kits through the FNHA Harm Reduction Hub

The Harm Reduction Hub provides community workers and healthcare providers with easy access to harm reduction services and supplies, including bulk supply of nasal naloxone.

First Nations Health Benefits (FNHB) continues to cover naloxone nasal spray kits through the drug benefit program for status First Nations individuals who are not able to easily use injectable naloxone, or do not have access to the BC Centre for Disease Control’s Take Home Naloxone (THN) Program. 

Providers can request access to the Harm Reduction Hub at
Referrals and Resources

  • Pharmacists can refer clients requesting frequent or large quantities of naloxone kits to the FNHA at or by calling 1-855-550-5454.
  • Please refer to the Pacific Blue Cross FNHA Fee Supplement  for recent changes to billing instructions.
  • Call 1-855-550-5454 for coverage questions.

Visit FNHA Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction resources for additional information and support for clients.